I’m quite a fan of doing different events to raise
money for charities but this one I’m particularly excited about as it’s not
your typical charity event…
I’ll be sleeping ‘rough’ during the cold British
winter/spring in Spitalfield Market on 23rd March in order to raise money for
Action for Brazil's Children.
Why? Because 7 million children live on the streets of
Brazil and this is unacceptable. ABC Trust is working hard to provide
invaluable help to many of these children. They’re a small charity who work
with local communities in Brazil and make sure that children are provided with
the basics to have a good education. They also work in the arts and culture,
using film, theatre and music to bring about social change.
I worked for an amazing NGO in Brazil - Central da Cidadania and have seen firsthand the positive impact that sponsorship money
from abroad has on the schools and the children. With only just £10 can pay for
learning materials for 25 children for a month.....!

We all hear about how strong Brazil's economy is and
how powerful it could become... but it won't get anywhere if its children
aren't educated or don't have a roof over their heads!
Please help me out by sponsoring me what you can -
every little helps!! (go to Big city sleep page)
Abraços y Obrigada :)
Abraços y Obrigada :)
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