Top 5 Facts about Hunger you NEED to know (from WFP website)
This is depressing.......
1. Approximately 925 million people in the world do not eat enough to be healthy. That means that one in every seven people on Earth goes to bed hungry each night. (Source: FAO News Release, 2012)
2. A third of all deaths in children under the age of five in developing countries are linked to undernutrition. (Source: UNICEF Report on Child Nutrition, 2006)
3. By 2050, climate change and erratic weather patterns will have pushed another 24 million children into hunger. Almost half of these children will live in sub-Saharan Africa. (Source: Climate Change and Hunger: Responding to the Challenge, WFP, 2009)
4. It costs just US $0.25 per day to provide a child with all of the vitamins and nutrients he or she needs to grow up healthy. (Source: WFP, 2011)
5. Hunger is the single biggest solvable problem facing the world today. Here are eight effective strategies for fighting hunger.
BUT.........there are always solutions.............
1. Nourishing mothers means healthy babies
Providing the right sorts of nutritious food to women when they are pregnant or breast-feeding ensures their children get the nutrients they need to develop healthy minds and bodies.
2. School meals help kids learn

3. Training gives women livelihoods
By giving poor women food rations in return for attending training courses in gardening, bee-keeping or other skills helps give them a means to support themselves and their families in the years ahead

4. Vouchers enable urban hungry to eat

5. Supporting farmers strengthens communities

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